
杜的 荣誉准则Comprehensive Discrimination 和 Harassment Procedures 和 第九条 Sexual Harassment Procedures 禁止骚扰, 歧视和性别暴力, 包括性侵犯, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 跟踪和报复. DU travelers participating on DU international experiences are protected by the Procedures 和 are expected to conform to the expectations expressed within it. We have resources available to help travelers who experience any type of gender-based violence.

请记住,任何人都可能成为性别暴力的受害者. 它触动了所有种族的人, 种族, 性别, 性取向, 能力, 社会经济背景和民族起源. Members of the DU community who learn that an individual has experienced unwanted gender-based behavior should also remember that it is their job to offer support 和 to connect that individual to the appropriate resources. They should not attempt to assign blame to any individual or to investigate the matter themselves.

处理基于性别的暴力是困难的, 和 it can be especially difficult to process 和 navigate through available resources while abroad. The information below is meant to raise awareness of 杜的 support structures while abroad 和 to provide options to survivors.




  • Sexual Assault (rape, sodomy, sexual assault with an object, fondling, incest, statutory rape)
  • 家庭暴力
  • 约会暴力
  • 跟踪

除了, DU禁止基于受保护身份的歧视或骚扰, 包括但不限于性骚扰.


  • 熟悉东道国的文化规范和总体态度.
  • All participants in sexual activity are encouraged to engage in 清晰的 和 continuous communication about which sexual actions are welcome 和 which actions are not.
  • Listen to your intuition 和 know that you have the right to say "NO" to any unwanted sexual encounter.
  • Know that drinking 和 recreational drug use can impair the judgment of all involved 和 that intoxication can affect the ability of any individual to give effective consent.
  • 照顾好你的朋友,并要求他们照顾好你.
  • 什么是同意?

    Many forms of gender-based violence involve unwanted sexual contact or attention without obtaining effective consent from the individual(s) subject to those actions. The University's procedures 清晰的ly state that it is the responsibility of the person wishing to engage in sexual conduct to obtain effective consent. 本程序将同意定义为双方都能理解的, 清晰的, knowing 和 voluntary affirmative permission given through words or actions regarding the willingness to engage in sexual activity 和 the conditions t在这里of.

    未到法定年龄的人, 是丧失劳动能力, 或者在胁迫下, 力, 或者滥用权力不能给予同意. 同意必须是肯定的,不能从沉默中推断出来, 被动或缺乏主动抵抗.

    有关大学程序中同意的全面审查,请参阅 在这里. Please note that the 杜的 policy may define consent in a way that may be different than the definition of consent in your host country. 了解出发前同意的当地定义是很重要的.

  • 就医

    Medical attention can be made available for survivors of sexual 和 relationship violence. 这种关注可以是身体上的, 情感和性健康需求, 以及完成法医检查. 获得法医检查可能因当地资源而异.

    现场可信的个人, 比如住院部/教务主任或DU的工作人员, will often have received training on responding to a disclosure of gender-based violence, 骚扰或歧视. 这些人是提供即时援助的最佳人选, 如识别和帮助安全访问适当, 与我们的旅行援助合作伙伴合作提供优质医疗服务.

    在大多数地方,我们的 旅行援助伙伴 can provide referrals for compassionate providers experienced in treating survivors of gender-based violence. 医疗服务, 法律和文化规范因国而异, 如果有必要,服务是不可用的, our 旅行援助伙伴 may be able to arrange alternatives in other locations. If language barriers exist, your trusted individual on-site can usually assist with translation. 

    Individuals may elect to make a report by contacting the University's 平等机会办公室 & 第九条 titleix@offdawallmusiq.com, 谁将向报告方提供资源, 了解投诉的适用程序, 和 supportive measures tailored to provide safety 和 enable the student to continue their educational studies. 而机会均等办公室 & 第九条不是机密资源, it will respect 和 safeguard the privacy interests of all individuals involved balanced with the need for a careful assessment of the allegation 和 any necessary steps to eliminate the conduct, 预防复发, 并解决其影响.  

  • 了解机密资源

    A survivor may elect to speak with confidential resources in lieu of or before making a report to University's Office of Equal Opportunity & 第九条. These confidential resources will not disclose any identifying information to another person or entity without the permission of the student. 所有学生都可以使用的机密资源包括:

    倡导、预防和赋权中心 (角)

    这取决于每个东道国的法律, other on-site staff at host institutions might also serve as confidential resources. Be sure to underst和 which personnel at your host institution may serve as a confidential resource prior to departing. 另外,请注意,在以下情况下可能存在保密限制:

    • 对自己或他人存在明显且实质性的人身危险. This may include life-threatening situations or w在这里 specific others are endangered by the perpetrator (e.g.、威胁).
    • 法律规定(e).g. 儿童虐待报告法规)或法院命令. 在这种情况下,我们会努力保护所有敏感信息.

    yzcca88游戏登录网址性别暴力事件的信息在哪里, 骚扰或歧视 is disclosed to any DU employee who is not a confidential resource, 该员工将有义务通知平等机会办公室 & yzcca88游戏登录网址事件的第九条. 然而, it is important to know that this does not obligate you to file a formal report or cooperate with a formal investigation. 这只会促使平等机会办公室 & 第九章联系你提供有关资源的信息, 报告选项和支持措施.

    即使是向平等机会办公室报告的信息 & 第九条, all personal information 和 conversations are kept as private as possible. 信息仅在需要知道的基础上与管理员共享. 校园安全, 机会平等办公室,教育法第九条, SOS推荐, 世界动物卫生组织顾问, faculty leaders 和 host country on-site staff will all maintain privacy while maintaining compliance. 在计划机构应对该事件的任何行动时, the wishes of the person who experienced the unwanted behavior are given full consideration.

  • 杜报告 & 资源

    DU旅行者应该经历基于性别的暴力吗, 在国外受到骚扰或歧视, 知道DU可以提供帮助. 然而, DU只能对基于性别的暴力指控作出回应, 被举报的骚扰或歧视. Reporting enables the University to promptly provide support to the impacted traveler(s), 和 to take appropriate action in order to prevent a recurrence 和 protect the campus community.

    任何认为自己可能是性别暴力受害者的DU旅行者, 骚扰或歧视 are encouraged to report to DU through one or more of the following private resources:


    除上述资源外, DU旅客可能会举报性别暴力, 骚扰或歧视 confidentially to the following campus resources that provide support 和 guidance:

    倡导、预防和赋权中心 (角)


    U.S. 大使馆和领事馆
    U.S. 国务院
